Tuesday, 16 January 2007

From The Axl Brain...

Some things that I have thought about today...

1. Boring songs. Rubbish aren't they? God, they're dull. And isn't whistling one of the most annoying things in the world? I think you'll all agree that yes, it is. So why in the name of Jehovah and the little Jesus Pixies is everyone in love with that fucking Peter, Bjorn & John song? It's not only an incredibly flat, boring, limp, lifeless old plod along of a dull piece of shit song, but it's got fucking whistling all over it! What the fuck? Do two wrong actually make a right all of a sudden? Do I wake up every day in "Opposite Day", where the mind numbingly tedious is suddenly supposed to be really good? Coz that song is not good. It really isn't. This isn't one of those things where I say something along the lines of "In spite of all this, I still really like it.", oh no. Instead this is one of those things where I say something like "In spite of all this, everyone fucking loves it and I appear to be the only person left with any sound judgment because that song is A REALLY FUCKING BORING PIECE OF SHIT!!"
So why does everyone like it so much? I can only think of two reasons. Reason 1 is that everyone has been told that it's cool by some kind of media mogul or fashionista or the like, and has been gullible enough to believe it's money making lies. Reason 2 harks back to a previous post of mine on this blog, that maybe I've lost my cool and my youth.
Personaly, I believe both reasons. Either way, it doesn't take away from the fact that that song is utter shit, and I don't understand why anyone likes it. I find it almost as annoying as that fucking Fratellis song. Almost.

2. Some peoples idea of eclectic is way off the mark. Some guy today thought he was "Very eclectic" because he was buying a Bob Dylan album, a Beatles album, and a Chopin recording. WOAH THERE CRAZY GUY! I NEARLY FELL OVER THERE, YOU'RE SO CRAZY! GOD, I WISH I HAD THE NERVE TO BE AS BOLD AND DARING AS YOU! Dick. You're about as eclectic as putting cheese on beans on toast. Stupid tosser.

3. I made cous cous earlier, and to make it a little more tasty, I put a stock cube in the water. I'd read it somewhere and it actually does make it real nice. And it got me wondering what else you could put in water for cous cous, and how it would taste. Next time, I might cook it in gravy. Mmmmmmm, I bet that would be gorgeous. I fucking love gravy. I also wondered if you could make a pudding cous cous, by putting it in boiling hot Ribena or something. Maybe chocolate milk. The possibilities for flavoured cous cous dishes are seemingly endless, I wonder why no-ones made more of that?

Right that's all for now this album's on it's last track (the album in question being 'All The Darkness Has Gone To Details' by Ultre, which is really good!) and my new Thundercats dvds need watching.



Pipsywoo said...

In your eyes I must be quite a lucky person, as I have no idea what song your on about, I don't really know what Peter, Bjorn and John??? sound like, a certain person once tried to give me an idea of it but it confused me, not hard I know.

As for Cous Cous, it's a marvellous beautiful creation and maybe you should write a cook book of the variants of cooking Cous Cous...a money making scheme, I think you'll find and I'll happily collect 10% of your units sold, I don't mind.

Anonymous said...

fopp aint stocking those thundercats dvd's! much to my annoyance i believe hmv has exclusivity over them, at least for the meantime.

HOWEVER! yesterday i bought the ENTIRE dungeons and dragons dvd boxset.. oh yes! it didn't even make it to the shop floor.

audiobulb said...
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audiobulb said...

Glad you like the Ultre album :)

have fun....

love audiobulb