Tuesday, 25 May 2010

Oh Yeah, I Have A Blog.

So, my relationship with this blog has been somewhat... well... a bit rubbish really over the last few months. I don't really know why, but I appear to have got into a cycle where I don't really know what to write on it anymore, and when I do know what to write I either forget to write or can never put it together properly.
This means that I haven't written about things like that week in December when I went to two of the best gigs I have ever been to, the first of which was Sunn O))) at Koko which was phenomenal and unlike anything else I've experienced (and I've seen Sunn O))) before), the second of which was Spiritualized performing the 'Ladies And Gentlemen We Are Floating In Space BP' album at the Barbican which was quite possibly not just the greatest gig I've ever been to but possibly the best thing ever full stop. That album is pretty much my favourite album of all time, and to see it performed so fucking perfectly was just overwhelming and incredible and more than I can say.
I didn't do my albums of the year list that I always do, although this is also partly because I still can't decide if my favourite album of 2009 was 'Xerrox Vol.2' by Alva Noto or 'Listening Tree' by Tim Exile. It's definitely one of those two, I just can't decide which because I think they are both just so phenomenal.
I was going to do a films of 2009 post aswell, but a) couldn't get my act together to do that either, and b) was worried that at least 2 people who read this blog would scream all the air out of their lungs in disgust at the fact that my favourite film of 2009 was 'Let The Right One In.' I was also going to say semi-controversial things like how I think that Michelle Williams' absolutely heartbreaking performance in 'Synecdoche: New York' proves that she is one of the best and most underrated actresses working in films today. I was probably also going to gush about how good Sam Rockwell is and how much I loved 'Moon.' There were a lot of films I loved in 2009.
I didn't write about my first ever proper spoken word gig I was booked for earlier this month which went surprisingly well actually. There are video clips that Gen took, so we'll get those up on YouTube soon hopefully and then you can see for yourselves.
I was going to do a post about dreadful band names because MTV did some list of the worst band names ever, which quite frankly was a bit rubbish and was mostly made up of bands with just bad names. Few of them were in the truly terrible band name realms of 'Agoraphobic Nosebleed' or 'Boys Like Girls.' However, I lost the post which somehow seemed to just vanish into the electronic ether.

ANYWAY, I could go on like this for ages. Enough of what shoulda woulda coulda (who did that song? Was it Beverly Knight?), let's get this thing going again Axl, yeah? Well, I'm gonna try. I'm gonna try.

Although I am moving house next month, so it may not be back to the former glory days just yet. I'll have a go and we'll see what happens, yeah?

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